Care for People, Care for the Earth

As an organization we are committed to caring for people and caring for the Earth. In truth, caring for one means caring for the other, because we are inextricably linked, one ecosystem, interdependent of each other. We are bound by the same laws, and what happens to one happens to the other.

This is why we invest in reforestation by planting a tree for every product sold, contribute to preserving medicinal plants from extinction, and are mindful of how and where we source our materials.

Our business operations are led by our core values: impact, connection, contribution, and harmony.


Every choice we make impacts the whole. Therefore, we choose doing the right thing over the easy thing.

We always consider sustainability and impact on people and environment. Our plants and oils are all organic or ethically wild harvested. Not only are organic products less contaminated, but their integrity is preserved, they are more potent medicine, and we are able to support organic agriculture. Furthermore, we are transitioning to sourcing the majority of our plants from small local farms to support local communities as well as lessen our global footprint. We also choose to use recycled craft paper for printing, recycled shipping materials, and avoid plastic in our packaging as much as possible.


We believe that connection is the solution to many of humanity’s problems, so we create offerings that assist people in connecting to:

1. Self. Your authentic Self, the part of you that is beyond conditioning— your original self that is innocent, holy & pure. That one that has innate eternal loveliness and heart-felt dreams.

2. Source. Spirit. Nature. God-Consciousness. The invisible realms. The higher intelligence that informs all of life. Through this connection we believe you can find meaning, reclaim your power, and take your place in the natural order of things.

3. Earth. When you connect to the Earth & the plants you remember that your life is interwoven with ALL life, and that there is an innate intelligence that belongs to you as you belong to her. Mindfully, we encourage you to take only what you need, & learn to live in harmony within your ecosystems.


We are championing the idea that organizations should exist to make a positive contribution in the world, and not solely for profit. We contribute through empowering people with plant medicine, making high quality products with integrity and love, and directly contributing a portion of our profits to organizations that take care of our planet’s ecosystems.

We have chosen to support Tree Sisters and United Plant Savers through monthly membership and profit donations so that they can continue the beautiful work of reforestation and conservation.


We believe in harmony as a way of life, even in business! We move with the rhythms & cycles of nature, choosing to work with natural forces rather than against them. When we think of harmony we think of relating to life from a place of interdependence, reciprocity, respect, beauty and awe.

Honoring this feminine principle, we create our offerings from a place of pleasure not pressure, service, mindfulness and intention.

When we care for people and the Earth through our business practices, we are rewarded beyond measure. When you support our business and purchase our products, you become a part of this benevolent circle of goodness, doing good in the world while taking care of yourself. And, you allow us to continue to prove that we can create win-win situations for people, the Earth, and businesses too.

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